Smoking Cryptojoints in Cryptopia

Mike Wieszcz
2 min readFeb 27, 2018


So much talk about cryptocurrency, decentralization, and constraining the central governance. So much hope for the future where cash is no longer king and we can start trading with aliens and robots. And it’s really about who wants to accept your coin. So what about the dollar notes residing quietly in my wallet (physical) and numbers on my bank account. Sometimes you really have to question the reality of all these things — especially money and what it really means.

Symmetry of Trees

Proof of Work — 7 days a week, 10 hours a day, burning some brain cells, creating some ideas, game theory, crunching some numbers, making some decisions, giving some advise, typing some emails, making some sales = $2000/week.

Proof of Stake — Say what you mean, follow your heart, love thy neighbours, honour your parents, keep your promise, feel the pain, enjoy the victory, respect yourself.

Living in the crypto world is about translating what we can do to what machines will do and rewarding the latter for doing perhaps some of the things for you. It’s about making the world a fairer place because the clever people, the rich people, and the lucky people will not have a fair advantage. The Chain levels the field. It’s machine revolution and everybody who is part of the chain gets rewarded fairly.

It’s the beginning of the era where machines start taking over the world.

And what do we do? Smoke a joint and believe that the world will be a better place with numbers and wallet addresses that you cannot even memorize. It’s like forgetting where you stay or where your best friend lives.

It’s humanity’s journey towards a more balanced future, a better place made by the collective decisions of mathematical equations of smart contracts set in stone, highly efficient and non-corruptible, fulfilling computable oaths to execute every single line of command perfectly.

Welcome to Cryptopia.

